Home Remedies For Strong Nails

1) Olive Oil

To promote growth, it is essential to keep your nails well moisturized. Olive oil is the best when it comes to nail care. It penetrates deep into the skin and nails and thus helps nourish your nails. Plus, it contains vitamin E which improves circulation blood circulation, helps repair damaged nails and promotes nail strength and growth.
Before going to bed, apply warm olive oil to your nails and cuticles and massage gently for 5 minutes. Wear cotton gloves overnight. Do this once daily.
You can also soak your nails in warm olive oil for 15 to 30 minutes once daily to promote nail growth.


A teaspoon of Tea Tree oil with a couple of drops of Vitamin E won’t only help you have stronger, healthier nails but will prevent nail fungus as well as successfully treat any existing infection. Rub it in as described above as often as you can and it won’t be long before you start seeing results.

3) Coconut Oil

Coconut oil works well for healthy nail growth. It contains important nutrients to keep your nails moisturized and strong. It also strengthens your cuticles, which play a key role in nail growth. Plus, it helps cure hangnails, cuticle infections and fungal nails.

Massage your nails and hands with warm extra-virgin coconut oil daily at night, before going to bed. Massage in circular motions to improve blood circulation.
You can also prepare a nail soak. Mix 1/4 cup of organic coconut oil, 1/4 cup of honey and 4 drops of rosemary essential oil. Warm the solution in the microwave for 20 seconds. Soak your nails in it for 15 minutes. Follow this remedy one or two times a week.


Speaking about interesting home remedies for nails – here’s a fun soak that will help you transform your weak brittle nails. Mix together two teaspoons of fine sea salt with 2 drops each of lemon juice or oil, frankincense oil, myrrh oil and wheat germ oil. Pour this mixture into a bowl of warm water, then soak your hands and keep them soaked for about 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat twice a week.

5) Orange Juice

Another remedy that can boost nail growth is orange juice. Its vitamin C content encourages the production of collagen and keeps your nails healthy. Also, it has folic acid, which is essential for nail growth.
Soak your nails in fresh orange juice for at least 10 minutes.
Rinse them off with warm water, pat dry and apply some moisturizer.
Follow this remedy once daily until you are satisfied with the results.

6) Lemons

Lemons contain vitamin C that is essential for nail growth. Also, it helps treat yellow nails and gives your nails a nice shine.
Prepare nail soak with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Slightly heat the solution in the microwave and then soak your nails in it for 10 minutes. Follow this remedy daily.
You can also rub a slice of lemon on your nails for 5 minutes, then rinse them with warm water. Pat dry and apply a moisturizer. Do this once daily. Avoid rubbing lemon on your nails if you have any cuts or hangnails, as it may sting.



Beer, olive oil and apple cider vinegar probably aren’t the ingredients you’d choose for your favorite drink, but are a great remedy for brittle nails nevertheless. Warm a quarter of a cup of olive oil, mix it with an equal amount of #apple cider vinegar and half a cup of beer. Now soak your nails into this mixture, give them about 15 minutes to soak in all those nutrients and voila, all done! Fast, easy AND a great way to use #beer leftovers – how cool is that?

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