Remedies for dandruff
Dandruff is a problem that is uncomfortable, annoying, and embarrassing. There are many people who have this disorder, which is characterized by itching and flaking of the scalp.If you have dandruff, you're probably looking for ways to stop those white or yellow flakes of skin, which also may make your ears and face red and itchy.
Below are home remedies to help you kick the crusties.
1. Break It Up With Baking Soda :- Baking soda is just an all-around useful thing to have in the house. It plays a large part in a lot of natural home remedies, and for good reason-it usually works! It helps to remove dandruff for a number of reasons. First, it mildly exfoliates, which gets rid of the excess dead skin. It’s also kills off acts as a fungicide, and a common fungus that occurs on everyone’s scalp can cause dandruff if it becomes overly abundant. In addition, its tiny particles can be useful in actually removing those loose flakes stuck in your hair-instead of just breaking the pieces of skin up into smaller pieces.
You will need…
-1 tablespoon of baking soda
-1 cup of water
-A few drops of rosemary oil (optional)
Mix one tablespoon of baking soda to every one cup of warm water. If you’re using an old (clean) shampoo or soap bottle, shake up the mixture and apply generously. Otherwise, stir it before you use it. Do this in place of shampoo, daily if possible. Your hair may feel quite dry in the beginning, but its natural oils will restore themselves soon, and they will be much more balanced than when using some commercial shampoo. If you feel you absolutely must use shampoo (and really try the baking soda alone first if you can) you can add a teaspoon of baking to a handful of shampoo and use that instead. The rosemary oil is optional, but some people find rosemary helps dandruff and think it has a pleasant scent.
2.Aloe:-The thick fluid in the leaves of the aloe vera plant may ease dandruff, says New York dermatologist Michele Green, MD. In a small study, aloe eased itching and scaly skin in people with seborrheic dermatitis, a skin condition that can create dandruff. You can cut an aloe leaf and squeeze the fluid directly onto the affected area, or use store-bought aloe vera gel.
3. Have Fun With Fenugreek:- Fenugreek is a plant that is used commonly as a spice, particularly in Indian cuisine; however it serves medicinal purposes as well. Fenugreek seeds have a composition that is rich in protein and amino acids, encouraging healthy hair/hair growth and warding off those wicked flakes in the process. A little bonus-its high concentration of lecithin (a natural emollient) can help make hair stronger overall, and many people find that it leaves their hair silky smooth and soft.
You will need…
-2 tablespoons of Fenugreek seeds (check a health food store if they aren’t at your grocery store)
-A bowl of water
-Something to grind the seeds with
-2 tablespoons of Fenugreek seeds (check a health food store if they aren’t at your grocery store)
-A bowl of water
-Something to grind the seeds with
Soak the seeds in 1-2 cups of water overnight. The next morning, grind them into a fine paste and apply to your scalp. Leave it applied for 30-45 minutes, then wash with mild shampoo or water.
Soak the seeds in 1-2 cups of water overnight. The next morning, grind them into a fine paste and apply to your scalp. Leave it applied for 30-45 minutes, then wash with mild shampoo or water.
4.Calm your mind:- In some people, depression and anxiety may be linked to dandruff flare-ups, Dattner says. Even if you're not depressed or anxious, chronic stress is never great for your skin, and dandruff is a skin problem. If you’ve noticed a link between your mood and your dandruff outbreaks, these steps may help:
Find healthy ways to release your stress. Meditate, work out, and don't hesitate to get help from a therapist if your stress or moods get intense.
Use a UV light during the winter if you have seasonal depression.
If you're considering taking supplements, such as St. John's wort, tell your doctor so he can check on side effects. Do that even if the product is "natural."
5.Get Some Sun
It’s not known exactly why, but there have been links between dandruff and exposure to sunlight. There have been many cases in which the severity of dandruff lessened when the afflicted person spent more time in the sun. It’s possible that instead of dry weather in the winter causing dandruff, it’s really the lack of sunlight. Maybe the light helps dry up some of the excess oil, or maybe getting a little time outside in the sun makes for a happier healthier human overall. Whatever the exact reason is, it’s something to try, and it’s probably one of the most straightforward home remedies you can try.
Spend at least 10-15 minutes out in the sunlight every day that you can. Make sure to limit your time though-too much sun and it’s UV rays can be harmful to your skin, hair, and health.
Spend at least 10-15 minutes out in the sunlight every day that you can. Make sure to limit your time though-too much sun and it’s UV rays can be harmful to your skin, hair, and health.
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